13 November 2015


Domestically favoured as a mother and worshiped as a Devi,women of the nation are most unsafe in their own country. United Nations Organisation's survey conveyed and ranked India as the third most unsafe country for women.

From the past years we experienced that women in India are never treated as the bread earner whereas they were to devote themselves in household chores,they have always been inferior to men.
They have been subjected to several malpractices like female infanticide, sex determination, domestic violence etc which eventually leads to a poor sex ratio. It has been also estimated that 11% of women dies in India for dowry demand which their family fails to accomplish.
     The bizarre fact is that brothers around strive to wear a Rakhi on their wrist from their sisters but harasses someone else's sister by holding their wrist. People love to celebrate Durga puja but don't accept a girl child. Strange but true.

Government cooperated and has put forth many laws punishing guilty of the above mentioned crimes. But still some are prevalent these days because some stories get hidden under the wrap by the powerful, authoritative persons or some fear to disclose.
Now, it's time to stand against this male chauvinism and find out where humanity faded leaving only harassment and disrespect.

 By Shemonti Mondal.

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