To see, or not to see- that is the question; and a pretty hot one it seems. It looks like that the world is again divided, no not amongst whether to support Batman or Superman, but whether to see the latest installment from the DC studios in their DC Extended Universe. One section of the people claiming the movie to be a visual champion and the other claiming the movie to be a stale story of a sorry bat, pitched against a Godlike mortal. Now, it becomes exceedingly difficult for someone not connected to either half, to decide whether to actually spend all that money and watch the movie, or wait for the movie to hit the “illegal” sites and download it from there. As you would have expected, Batman vs Superman had our expectations hanging by the rope. With a colossal budget of over $250 million (excluding marketing budget) and a running time of over 150 minutes, it was always going to be a big project. But exactly how did the movie fare? Let's see.
I went to watch this movie today, in the morning. Going in, I naturally had pretty high expectations (some of them because of the exceedingly amazing reviews posted on Twitter) from the movie. The movie premiere was followed by a rapture of elation and excitement which soon turned into an incoherent appraisal.
Two and a half hours, and some 12 lines from Wonder Woman later, I came out from the theater dissatisfied (please note, I am not telling disappointed). While I was sitting in the theatre and pondering upon the structure of the plot, sometimes I found questioning myself, what was going on? Zack Snyder seemed to have piled subplots over subplots (which was never ending and moving in rapid pace). The much-awaited brawl between the 'Son of Krypton and Bat of Gotham' sometimes unveiled more chaos, and a bit tedious over the family friendly humorous Marvel Flicks (but then again its always subjective). My reasons although were simple; I simply did not care enough for any one story line.
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Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman |
Gal Gadot ( Wonder Woman/Diana Prince ) fighting with Doomsday was the best part of the film, doubt anybody could have played the role of Wonder Woman better than her. Lois Lane's constant falling into troubles and Superman's persistent salvaging her out of them made things a bit tedious. The appearance of the abominable horned beast, Doomsday, who purges out of an amniotic sac and seems to have gone nuts as he kept demolishing Gotham, was nothing like the charm of the monstrous supervillain.
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Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor |
Marvel took it slow and easy, while DC took the swifter mode, and it would be audacious to claim that they have failed in their attempt.
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Presenting Doomsday: The 'Unkillable' Beast |
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The new batvehicle |
The movie oozed brilliance in certain portions, and was of epic proportions in others. The one-liners and the banter between Superman and Batman is “woah” inspiring, and the fight scenes force that little child in you to jump with excitement and enticing you to shed away that sophisticated masquerade and be a little wild in showing your excitement. Yes, with all the problems this movie has, it still is the most fun I had watching a movie in quite sometime (not as much as Deadpool, though), and I can guarantee that enjoyable experience that you will take away with you when you walk out of the theater.
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Ben Affleck's Batman invoked mixed responses from the crowd |
So, to answer the titular question, “To see, or not to see”, my answer would be, please go and see. You might not leave the theaters with your socks knocked out of the park, or your mind taken to the psychosomatic level of the freak that you let loose only in the most private moments, but it will really give you a fun time at the theaters. You will laugh, “wow”, and clap frantically, and at the end come back to Facebook and engage in the debate, “Who did bleed ?”.
About the authors :-

A student of Engineering, Ankit Agarwal is a self-proclaimed geek, and a proud binge-watcher. Apart from writing his interests chiefly lie is debates, discussions and the world of technology!

Shreyan Mukherji is a student of English literature hailing from Asutosh College, Kolkata! While football, comic fiction and movies occupy the larger chunk of his interests, this dude is a massive sports fanatic and a social worker too.
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