10 May 2015

Mother - As imperishable as eternity.

A mother. As invisible as the air. An ethereal blessing in disguise - Gives birth and sustains it with all its might. A necessity that churns the soul in its absence. A need so irreplaceable. Yet every single day, we snub her her significance. We neglect the love we so easily get and yearn for it only in its non existence.
It was seven years back I woke up to a sullen morning only to find death had devoured her. When we rushed her to the hospital, I kept praying desperately, "God! Let my mother be alive. I would never fight, never ill treat her another time." When the doctor said his all so dreaded apology, I was in a gloomy despair. Astounded. Stunned. Wondering how could they give up without trying a bit? My world came crashing down. I hadn't shed a single tear the entire day as I had to be strong for my father. Standing under the shower, a tear drop trickled down my cheeks. In a hushed tone, I uttered "Ma" a number of time only to let that striking realization dawn upon me.
From now on, none would answer my "Ma" summons. That is the worst part of losing a mother. The first word we had ever uttered was Ma. And I believe it is the most frequent summon we have ever made for our clamant needs. When that goes unanswered, a melancholy disaster strikes and the gloom of despair hovers. It means the wreck of your hopes.
You can go anywhere in life, be anyone. But you never get another mother. And when you sit under a sullen starlit sky, you wish she was here to see you grow, see your efforts crowned with success. You wish. You wish.

I wish she could come out of the blue and hold me to her worn out chest. She could cuddle one more time and tell me the bedtime stories. I pray she would come just one last time to admonish me for the wrong. Every single day, I see people with their mothers - living the time of their lives, or fretting and complaining. Deep within, I stand there staring wishing I had mine.
Its been seven years. The wheel of time has been inexorable. Yet it seems time has been still for me. I haven't moved on. It is a mortal wound. The wound is still afresh. They say ,"Time heals everything."
" Is it so? "I retort, "Then why am I still here as if it's yesterday I lost my mother?"
In this crowded world, without her I feel I'm as lonely as a deserted ship. Yet, I know she lives within me and hence she is as imperishable as eternity.
Happy Mother's Day, Mum. I miss you.
Cherish your mothers cause they are as immaculate as angels and their love is as inexhaustible as the deep sea.

- Gargi Ghosal

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